Integrating Computational Thinking into a Minority Girls Program on Global Challenges

This NSF-funded project will provide rigorous out-of-school time (OST) experiences that integrate a research-based STEM curriculum and new computational thinking (CT) activities with relevant pedagogy designed to engage minority girls. We are conducting exploratory research that examines the relationship between engaging in integrated CT-STEM activities and the acquisition of CT skills, STEM content knowledge, and a stronger sense of self as a future technologist. We are investigating the following research questions:

  1. What aspects of the integration of CT and STEM increase the likelihood of girls acquiring CT skills?
  2. What aspects of the integration of CT and STEM increase the likelihood of girls acquiring STEM content knowledge?
  3. How does the integration of CT and STEM affect minority girls’ self -perceptions as future technologists?

Collaborators: SIUE East St. Louis CenterSIUE Dept. of Computer Sciences

Exploring Global Challenges is supported by the National Science Foundation STEM+C Award No. 1741999. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.